About Royal Arch Masonry

The Royal Arch is the continuation of Craft Freemasonry. Its members, called Companions, meet in Chapters under a Grand Chapter. Chapters are ruled over by three Principals, who rule conjointly, and the Grand Chapter is ruled over by three Grand Principals, with a Pro First Grand Principal when the First Grand Principal is a Royal Prince.

royal arch

In England the Royal Arch has four ceremonies: the exaltation ceremony to bring in new members and an installation ceremony for each of the three Principals. The exaltation ceremony is in two parts: a rather dramatic presentation of the principles of the Order followed by three Lectures in which the history, symbolism and principles of the Royal Arch are further explained. Like Craft Freemasonry, the Royal Arch is open to men of all faiths.

RTLCh Logo1 (1)The Round Table Lodge of Oxfordshire also has a Royal Arch Chapter attached to it and meets three times a year in February, April & June.

For further information on the Royal Arch please contact our Royal Arch Representative – Worshipful Brother Ian Elkington. CLICK HERE to e-mail.


Read Ian’s latest Newsletter about Round Table Chapter CLICK HERE